Because we are investors too, we know how to look out for you.

Since we actively invest in several industries across different stages of business growth, we are constantly fed opportunities via our friends, family and professional network.

Some of these represent great opportunities that allow for investors to participate on a co-investment basis.

Maybe you require help to evaluate a tech deal, or you need another investor’s point of view to make a decision. Perhaps you are seeking more opportunities in the private equity or venture capital space.

Whatever it is, we are very likely to have a common interest with you, the investor. We hope to get to know you and explore opportunities together, present and future.

Leave us a note with your interests and we can keep you in the loop for any interesting opportunities that cross our path.

Get in touch.

Tell us your areas of interest and we will keep you updated only whenever something relevant to your interest comes up. We do not have a newsletter program, so you will not be receiving any spam.